You Can Hub co-founder Mel Findlater created Ordinary Superparents to provide the community she was seeking on the arrival of her first child. Ordinary Superparents’ mission is to help parents see possibility through everyday adventure – in effect raising a generation who believe they can.
The community works with ordinary parents to discover their inner superhero. No, this doesn’t mean doing it all alone – in fact it’s the opposite. We are about identifying and overcoming the challenges of parenthood in community: being human, thriving in our intention to grow and making lots of mistakes while we do it. When you become a parent you do not need to stop being you. In fact, it’s all the more important that we be the best versions of ourselves, stretching what’s possible, so that we can show our kids how to do it too.
Be the village
Raising children was never meant to be done alone. So why do so many of us fall into the cultural belief that we should ‘do it all and do it alone’?
The facebook community Ordinary Superparents is a place for parents to be human. Join a community of parents who are just ordinary people but who are also choosing to continue to grow and develop, even after they’ve had children. Members of the community choose to have an adventure mindset, full of trying new things both for themselves and their children. How that plays out can be in ways both big and small.
So, if you are looking for inspiration and support from an amazing group as you venture past the ‘shoulds’ of parenting and into the ‘what ifs’, then head over to facebook and join the Ordinary Superparent community. Having left You Can Hub in 2019, Mel continues to run this inspirational, supportive community.