Shh…it's a secret

I wrote a poem today – for the first time since I was 16. I don’t ‘do’ poetry. It feels silly. I don’t follow any ‘right’ way. I don’t think it’s worthy of others reading. That’s why I don’t do poetry – or so my head tells me. 

And yet, as I sat on my bed, with my laptop to hand, I just started writing. It wasn’t meant to be a poem. So let’s stop calling it that. It’s a story. A story of vulnerability, exhilaration, frustration. It’s a story of feeling, of the reality I’m living. Yes, ‘a story’ – that’s better. 

And with my inner critic kicking and screaming (she’s the opposite of the one who took over below, we’ll meet her another time), I am going to share this with you. Why? Because I believe in the power of vulnerability, of honesty. It has the power to bring people together, to connect. 

Why does this terrify me? Because I’m a ‘Director of The You Can Hub’. I’m supposed to be someone that ‘knows’. Someone that’s figured it out already. Someone who knows exactly what it is that makes them tick. Right?

But here’s the honest truth: I don’t know either. Well, sometimes I think I do, but more often I convince myself that I don’t. But what’s so wrong with that? We’re all human… and really, no one knows. No one knows truly, fully, everything that it is that makes them feel alive. 

So, Hi. I’m Mel, and I’m human. I’m figuring it out too. And it’s a hell of an adventure. One that I’d much prefer to do with you. So if the above or the below resonates with you, (and I hope it does… I’m pretty sure it does, at least with some of you…) then I’d love to hear your story too.  

Shhh It’s a secret 

Shh, it’s a secret.

I’m not sure what, but it is.

I can’t quite put my finger on it…

But please don’t tell.


Mel as a baby looking cheeky

Mini cheeky Mel

There’s something inside of me. A small child gleefully, playfully keeping it to herself.

The secret to what makes me come alive.

That thing that I have always wanted to do.


But I don’t know what it is. Sometimes, she whispers it

Or gives me a crooked grin

Sometimes I think I can maybe, just maybe, grab ahold of it, touch it, just with my pinky.


And then she pulls it away



loving to play hard to get.


I will catch you silly girl.

Each time that you let part of the secret slip,

I will catch it in a net!


And you?

You will let me

Because really, you want me to.


You want me to be in on it. You want me to shout it from the rooftops!


But you know that

if you say it all at once,

I won’t listen.

I’ll run for the hills.

I won’t tell anyone because, well, it’s impossible.

I can’t be truly happy. Fully content. Think how silly I would look. Think how silly that would be.


But if you share it with me, drip by drip, it will start to click.

Without even knowing it, I’ll start testing it out.

Seeing if it’s possible to live that life,

to feel alive.


And one day, I will catch you

you silly girl.

And my life will fill with laughter and glee

As you take it over

Pushing down all of those inner critics

You. will. be. triumphant!


And together,

We will shout it from the rooftops

You’ll see.

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2 responses to “Shh…it's a secret”

  1. Mel,

    I love your ‘story’ and thanks for the inspiration.