Entering The Business World – Day 26

Do something that both scares and excites you. This is day 26 of my 30 day Scare The Crap Out Of Myself Video Challenge.

The You Can Hub is a business and with that, we need to generate an income. Recently, I have been reflecting on how I am and am not comfortable doing this. What sales I like and the types that I don’t like. And in this, I realised that I have been avoiding selling to businesses….and that’s silly. It’s a confidence thing. So, here’s me committing to creating an offer for corporates and pitching it. What it will be is to be determined shortly based on some ideas from over the years but the key thing is, it will happen, it will be based on need and our skills, and it will be incredible.

For the next 30 days I will post one video which will describe doing something that both scares and excites me, one learning point, and a take away. Join me through my ‘Hell yeah!’ moments and my ‘Oh Sh*t’ moments for the next 30 days and please do cheer me on!

Why on earth would you do this, Mel?

For Me: To bring some structure back in my life. To prove to myself that I can follow through. To document my journey at this scary time. To feel alive.

For You: Perhaps you are on a similar journey, thinking of making a change or needing to give yourself a kick in the bum to get going. I hope that following my journey will help you feel that you are not alone and inspire you to go out and do things that scare you too. Because in the end, it is by finding and doing something that makes you come alive that we truly start to make a dent in the world. Want to scare the crap out of yourself on film? Start your own challenge and let us know that you do! Share it on twitter with #stcoom (short for scarethecrapoutofmyself!)

Snakes, sharks, and surrender


Since Danger Lou first made her tentative steps on screen, many of you have been talking to me about the kinds of risks that you take every day, and particularly the things that scare you. There’s lots of things that we find scary: flying is a common one, sharks; speaking on a stage in front of people. Some fears are rational: things like sharks, heights, snakes – because they’re based, on some level, on keeping us alive. Sharks are dangerous – you know, sharp teeth and all that. Snakes can be poisonous. Heights – well, there’s always the possibility of falling.

Somewhere along the line, fears that help us to stay alive became fears that help us to stay safe. What does staying safe mean to you? Not risking letting people down? Not risking having what it takes? Not risking saying what you think? Fear becomes something that, instead of keeping us alive, is keeping us from living.

Chris Brogan tells us that the opposite of fear is not bravery, or courage. “The opposite of fear is surrender. The opposite of fear is giving up. The opposite of fear is not really taking the swing.”

Fear is personal. For me, fear is being willing to go on video dressed in a superhero costume you made yourself. Fear is committing to raise the funds to make it to a tiny conference in the middle of nowhere that no one has ever heard of, and asking people to believe in what will come next. Fear is then travelling on my own to the States for the first time. And it is also turning up to the gym for the first time back in January – and then keeping on turning up at the gym, even if I have weeks where I can’t make it, or a session that feels extra difficult. After I talked to Ann Hawkins on The Social Media Show about travelling to Fargo, she wondered if I was scared – of course I was. Danger Lou is all about being scared, and holding your hand up to say so.

For Mel, fear is being willing to go on stage in front of 2800 people dressed as a cardboard robot with just two days notice – and taking your robot head off in front of all those people so that they can see the person behind the box. And it is also just picking up the phone to query something.

What are the risks that you take, every day, every week? What is it that helps you to keep trying? When was the last time you were even just a little bit scared, perhaps about something that you think other people find really easy? And, what are the swings that you don’t take, where the risks seem too high? Where in your life do you give up?

In my next post I’ll be exploring three ways to think about fear that might be useful. Make sure you don’t miss out, and sign up here.

You might also be interested in joining Danger Lou in Cambridge at the end of this month: click here.

I’d love to hear from you! Leave your response below.

Lou Shackleton

Change-maker in Chief

Following Through With A Teenage Dream – Day 25

Do something that both scares and excites you. This is day 25 of my 30 day Scare The Crap Out Of Myself Video Challenge.

I claim to be a singer…or at least I used to. I was in the choir and jazz choir. I loved it. Then, high school finished and I stopped singing… except in the car. So, I bought a guitar. And all through university I said that I would learn to play it. Learn to play the guitar so that I could sing with it. But, in the corner the guitar still sits….many years later. So, I’ve decided to do something about it. I have now signed up for Blues Guitar lessons at the local community centre. Here goes nothing!

For the next 30 days I will post one video which will describe doing something that both scares and excites me, one learning point, and a take away. Join me through my ‘Hell yeah!’ moments and my ‘Oh Sh*t’ moments for the next 30 days and please do cheer me on!

Why on earth would you do this, Mel?

For Me: To bring some structure back in my life. To prove to myself that I can follow through. To document my journey at this scary time. To feel alive.

For You: Perhaps you are on a similar journey, thinking of making a change or needing to give yourself a kick in the bum to get going. I hope that following my journey will help you feel that you are not alone and inspire you to go out and do things that scare you too. Because in the end, it is by finding and doing something that makes you come alive that we truly start to make a dent in the world. Want to scare the crap out of yourself on film? Start your own challenge and let us know that you do! Share it on twitter with #stcoom (short for scarethecrapoutofmyself!)

Special Announcement: Ready for Danger You?

If you’re in Cambridge at the end of August, you’re up for a treat. You can join in with the very first of the Danger You Challenge Series!

Join Danger Lou!

August 27th 2013 – 6pm to 8pm

If you’ve watched the movie and you’re inspired to buy tickets right away:

Eventbrite - Danger You Challenge Series... 1 - Show Up and Speak Up!
This workshop is for you if:

  • You want to build your confidence in small steps
  • You want to create good habits
  • You want to share the experience of taking on challenges with others, in a supportive group
  • You want to show up and speak up – in different aspects of your life
  • You want to be confident to contribute

You will:

  • Take the first step and do something challenging (with people there to hold your hand)
  • Develop a simple structure to help you show up more confidently
  • Get awesome feedback from the community in the room with you on the spot
  • Boost your confidence
  • Take away real usable strategies for overcoming fear next time


We can now reveal that this first challenge will be a speaking challenge. So if you aren’t confident meeting new people, if you don’t like picking up the phone, if you keep quiet in meetings because you think everyone knows better, if you don’t like being put on the spot or starting a conversation – then this is the workshop for you!

You will:

  • Take the first step in speaking in front of others
  • Practice in a supportive environment
  • Identify a clear strategy to help you get talking, sooner

You will be working with two experienced facilitators including Danger Lou herself.

Spaces are limited. The session is for only 10 people so that you have 1:5 attention and get the most out of the session.

All you need to bring is yourself, and some fear and excitement!

Are you an Intrepid Explorer?

Until August 6th, only Intrepid Explorer tickets are available. This means that if you sign up now, you’ll get the best value AND an awesome title. Who doesn’t want to be an Intrepid Explorer? If you wait until after 5pm (UK time) on August 6th, you’ll miss out on that title. Tickets for Intrepid Explorers are now closed.

Are you an Intrigued Adventurer?

Hey there, adventurer. Up until now, you’ve been watching from the sidelines, keeping an eye on development. You’ve been intrigued! You want a piece of the action but, well, you didn’t want to be first. Well, good new! You don’t have to be! The Intrepid Explorers have leapt in, and now the way is clear for you. Until August 13th, 5pm (UK time), only Intrigued Adventurer tickets are available. If you weren’t ready to jump in as an Intrepid Explorer and you needed more information, now’s your chance!

Ready to jump in? Intrigued adventurer step this way!

Eventbrite - Danger You Challenge Series... 1 - Show Up and Speak Up!

We can’t wait to see you!

We’ll be releasing more information as the event gets closer – but if you wait for more information, the price rises. So what will it be? Are you an intrepid explorer, intrigued adventurer, inspired follower, or last minute lemming?

If you’re not ready to jump in just yet, sign up for the latest Danger You updates below. This also works if you’re not in Cambridge, UK and you’d like to hear about online opportunities to get more dangerous.

Subscribe to our mailing list

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Lou Shackleton

Change-maker in Chief

Are you a community lover? Come celebrate with us!

Community Lover's Guide to the Universe

Community – what does it mean to you? Community is one of those words that has a different meaning to everyone, and everyone defines their community in a different way. That’s the amazing thing about community – your community is unique to you, because it starts with you and then reaches out based on your interests, the places that you go, the people that you see.

For us, community is what helps you when you ask and inspires you when you’re stuck – and you return the favour. It surprises you endlessly, and enables you to surprise yourself. We love community, and so we’re very proud that our You Can Check It Out Team founder member Ellie McKenny has been editing the Cambridge edition of the Community Lover’s Guide to the Universe – collecting stories by individuals about what community means to them, through the innovative community project they have been working on.

You can read the first stories here. Even better, you can come and meet the people behind the projects, share ideas and ways of working, and enjoy coffee and cake as part of a Community Lovers’ Meet Up during the Romsey Art Festival:

Wednesday 7th August

7pm to 9pm

CB1 Cafe, Mill Road, Cambridge

You Can Bike Too

You Can Bike Too in the early stages back in 2011!

Our project, You Can Bike Too, is one of the stories captured and members of the project team will be going along, together with the people behind the other stories captured too. Anyone who is interested in any of the Cambridge stories, or who is interested in community and doing things collaboratively is welcome! If you’re planning to come please email Ellie to give her an idea of numbers: emckenny@hotmail.com. Unfortunately the venue isn’t wheelchair friendly.

Find full details of the Romsey Art Festival here (another great community event!). You can find out more about Community Lover’s Guide to the Universe and explore the other editions from all over the world here.

You can see what You Can Bike Too is up to lately here.

We look forward to seeing you at CB1!

Lou Shackleton

Change-maker in Chief

Sh*t Happens & I Can't Be Everywhere At Once – Day 24

Today, my good friend, neighbour and unofficial British grandma passed away. I’m not sure what my challenge is for the sake of this video…admitting that not everything is in my hands….that I can’t be everywhere at once maybe. Just being honest about me and my day, I guess. So here’s me saying goodbye to Jean. She was an incredible women who will not be forgotten. I miss you already.

Do something that both scares and excites you. This is day 24 of my 30 day Scare The Crap Out Of Myself Video Challenge.

For 30 days I will post one video which will describe doing something that both scares and excites me, one learning point, and a take away. Join me through my ‘Hell yeah!’ moments and my ‘Oh Sh*t’ moments for the next 30 days and please do cheer me on!

Why on earth would you do this, Mel?

For Me: To bring some structure back in my life. To prove to myself that I can follow through. To document my journey at this scary time. To feel alive.

For You: Perhaps you are on a similar journey, thinking of making a change or needing to give yourself a kick in the bum to get going. I hope that following my journey will help you feel that you are not alone and inspire you to go out and do things that scare you too. Because in the end, it is by finding and doing something that makes you come alive that we truly start to make a dent in the world. Want to scare the crap out of yourself on film? Start your own challenge and let us know that you do! Share it on twitter with #stcoom (short for scarethecrapoutofmyself!)

Sh*t Happens & I Can’t Be Everywhere At Once – Day 24

Today, my good friend, neighbour and unofficial British grandma passed away. I’m not sure what my challenge is for the sake of this video…admitting that not everything is in my hands….that I can’t be everywhere at once maybe. Just being honest about me and my day, I guess. So here’s me saying goodbye to Jean. She was an incredible women who will not be forgotten. I miss you already.

Do something that both scares and excites you. This is day 24 of my 30 day Scare The Crap Out Of Myself Video Challenge.

For 30 days I will post one video which will describe doing something that both scares and excites me, one learning point, and a take away. Join me through my ‘Hell yeah!’ moments and my ‘Oh Sh*t’ moments for the next 30 days and please do cheer me on!

Why on earth would you do this, Mel?

For Me: To bring some structure back in my life. To prove to myself that I can follow through. To document my journey at this scary time. To feel alive.

For You: Perhaps you are on a similar journey, thinking of making a change or needing to give yourself a kick in the bum to get going. I hope that following my journey will help you feel that you are not alone and inspire you to go out and do things that scare you too. Because in the end, it is by finding and doing something that makes you come alive that we truly start to make a dent in the world. Want to scare the crap out of yourself on film? Start your own challenge and let us know that you do! Share it on twitter with #stcoom (short for scarethecrapoutofmyself!)

Running My Fear Away – Day 23

Do something that both scares and excites you. This is day 23 of my 30 day Scare The Crap Out Of Myself Video Challenge.

I ran, I ran! For the first time in almost 6 months, I went for a run. This might sound like a small feat but for me it is about overcoming fear, anxiety and stopping myself from getting in my own way. So, I ran, and it was great. Yep, I was sore for a day or so but I survived and it felt better than it did 5 months ago!

For the next 30 days I will post one video which will describe doing something that both scares and excites me, one learning point, and a take away. Join me through my ‘Hell yeah!’ moments and my ‘Oh Sh*t’ moments for the next 30 days and please do cheer me on!

Why on earth would you do this, Mel?

For Me: To bring some structure back in my life. To prove to myself that I can follow through. To document my journey at this scary time. To feel alive.

For You: Perhaps you are on a similar journey, thinking of making a change or needing to give yourself a kick in the bum to get going. I hope that following my journey will help you feel that you are not alone and inspire you to go out and do things that scare you too. Because in the end, it is by finding and doing something that makes you come alive that we truly start to make a dent in the world. Want to scare the crap out of yourself on film? Start your own challenge and let us know that you do! Share it on twitter with #stcoom (short for scarethecrapoutofmyself!)

Stepping out of my box, literally, at the World Domination Summit

There really is no better way to start believing then to surround myself with 3000 incredible people who are achieving their impossible. 

8 months ago when I bought a ticket to go to the World Domination Summit (WDS) in Portland, Oregon, I had no idea what to expect. If anything, I expected to be lost in the crowd of 3000 other people and to be overwhelmed with information from speakers. Success would be to meet some inspirational people who by telling their stories would help me believe that anything is impossible. Help me believe in me and my dreams.

WDS stage

Picture by Armosa

Fast forward to now and I am winding down from a very busy weekend at WDS. It was beyond what I expected and I will not attempt to summarise everything in one post. Over the next few weeks, months even, I fully expect that the key messages will seep in and I will begin to use them to take some incredible action. I will have more specific learnings and applications from each speaker and workshop. Lou will also have her own reflections from the event. So, for today, here are my main take aways from the event – some overarching themes.

  1. We are all human – nobody is perfect – we’re all just in different places on our incredibly confusing journeys. Even the people I envy, those that appear to have ‘made it’, they are human too. And in fact ‘making it’ doesn’t really exist. It’s not an A to B type of journey. Realising this, I now feel a little better about riding the waves, muddling through and finding my way. (drawing of crazy map)
  2. Most people assume that others are further ahead then they are. I do this with others frequently…but then through conversation, I realise they are usually making it up as they go along too. It’s not necessarily a bad thing but an interesting reflection.
  3. Everything is easier togetherLiving a remarkable life, being different, achieving the impossible, these are all things that are so much easier to achieve together. Being surrounded by 3000 people looking to achieve similar things makes anything seem possible. And when I start doubting it again, I will think of these remarkable people that I met last weekend. I will think of the hugs, the smiles, the tears and the laughter. I will think of what it was like for a portion of these people to dance together to Gangham Style at the closing party with huge smiles on our faces. I will think of my new giant family who ‘get it’.
  4. Be interested, not interesting. I’ve gone away from this weekend thinking maybe, just maybe, I am interesting after all. But more importantly, I am no longer too worried about whether I am or not. I am good at being interested, being curious, asking questions, collecting stories. At the improv workshop on Sunday afternoon I was given this card. And it just makes sense to me. o, I will continue to learn, ask questions, and help others find and achieve their impossible.
  5. Speaking to 3000 people is f*ckin’ hard – I was surprised this weekend with an invitation to do an attendee story. Yep, I found out two days beforehand. Then, just before I found out it was meant to be half the length I had anticipated. My world shifted. I shifted. I adapted. It was bloody hard. I was harder on myself than the audience was. Here’s a first video about the emotional roller coaster that is speaking to 3000 people while standing in a box. To those who listened, who patted me on the back, who then shared your stories with me, thank you. You are the inspiration.

And for now, those are my key take aways, my key themes. Keep an eye out for more, including some follow up videos and challenges for you to step out of your box and tangible examples of how to ask those who are usually excluded for help instead of always asking to help them.

This is also my day 22 video for my 30 Day Scare The Crap Out Of Myself Challenge.

Yours from outside the box,


Accepting the Challenge to Speak At The World Domination Summit -Day 21

Do something that both scares and excites you. This is day 21 of my 30 day Scare The Crap Out Of Myself Video Challenge.

The World Domination Summit started today in Portland. So of course, we had to start it cape style with a caped freeze mob where I was once again dressed like the robot of mediocrity. But that isn’t even the scary bit… today, I was asked to tell my story…and not just to one person, or to a camera…but to 3000 attendees on Sunday. OMG!

For the next 30 days I will post one video which will describe doing something that both scares and excites me, one learning point, and a take away. Join me through my ‘Hell yeah!’ moments and my ‘Oh Sh*t’ moments for the next 30 days and please do cheer me on!

Why on earth would you do this, Mel?

For Me: To bring some structure back in my life. To prove to myself that I can follow through. To document my journey at this scary time. To feel alive.

For You: Perhaps you are on a similar journey, thinking of making a change or needing to give yourself a kick in the bum to get going. I hope that following my journey will help you feel that you are not alone and inspire you to go out and do things that scare you too. Because in the end, it is by finding and doing something that makes you come alive that we truly start to make a dent in the world. Want to scare the crap out of yourself on film? Start your own challenge and let us know that you do! Share it on twitter with #stcoom (short for scarethecrapoutofmyself!)

For the next 30 days I will post one video which will describe doing something that both scares and excites me, one learning point, and a take away. Join me through my ‘Hell yeah!’ moments and my ‘Oh Sh*t’ moments for the next 30 days and please do cheer me on!

Why on earth would you do this, Mel?

For Me: To bring some structure back in my life. To prove to myself that I can follow through. To document my journey at this scary time. To feel alive.

For You: Perhaps you are on a similar journey, thinking of making a change or needing to give yourself a kick in the bum to get going. I hope that following my journey will help you feel that you are not alone and inspire you to go out and do things that scare you too. Because in the end, it is by finding and doing something that makes you come alive that we truly start to make a dent in the world. Want to scare the crap out of yourself on film? Start your own challenge and let us know that you do! Share it on twitter with #stcoom (short for scarethecrapoutofmyself!)